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Here's the lesson in former Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen's , in which he essentially beat the felony charges against him in the caucus scandal.
The lesson: If you have money, expensive lawyers and enough time, you don't have to go to jail. And if you get your venue changed to a hometown jury instead of a jury in the place where you committed the alleged crime, you're in the clover.
True, Jensen, because one misdemeanor charge remains, likely cannot run for office again. We recall, however, him being pretty involved in other folks' campaigns this last election.
No jail time? His only victims were the taxpayers.
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His "everybody's doing it" defense, the Waukesha DA's busy schedule, and the judge's shameful bootlicking of the defendant all added up to a sad day in Wisconsin's judicial system. Jensen took abuse of taxpayer money for political campaigns to new heights, and got away with it.
He was ordered to pay attorney's costs to the state, but not to reimburse the state for the $65,000 salary taxpayers paid for someone Jensen hired to spend full time doing nothing but raising money for Republican candidates.
Waiting to hear from the law and order wing on Waukesha County being so soft on crime.
I disagree with one point in this blog. It was not a hometown jury that got former Speaker Jensen off the hook, it was the corrupt acts of his fellow party members. In Waukesha County, a Republican Legislator + a Republican District Attorney + a Republican Judge= one misdemeanor and a $5,000 fine. In Dane County, a Democrat Legislator + a Democratic District Attorney + a Democratic Judge = a felony and 15 months in jail. The Republicans cheap nike air max 2014 in our county should be embarassed and the DA and Judge should be thrown out of office
I disagree with one point in this blog. It was not a hometown jury that got cheap air jordan 3 shoes former Speaker Jensen off the hook, it was the corrupt acts of his fellow party members. In Waukesha County, a Republican Legislator + a Republican District Attorney + a Republican Judge= one misdemeanor and a $5,000 fine. In Dane County, a Democrat Legislator + a Democratic District Attorney + a Democratic Judge = a felony and 15 months in jail. The Republicans in our county should be embarassed and the DA and Judge should be thrown out of office
Few words summarize the situation. Feel prosecutors as well dug into the pockets of the taxpayers to prosecute at any price. When lawyers for both prosecutor and defense feed off the same taxpayer pocketbook something needs to be done to ensure the process is fair. Jensen was wrong on what he did but at the same time he calls attention to shortcomings in the system. Loophole Scotty showed us how to buy your way out of a felony on taxpayer money where his legal fund was paid by taxpayers. Public funds should not have paid for the defense of Loophole Scotty against criminal charges. Prosecutors should of done more to alert lawmakers to close the loophole that allowed Scotty to be a welfare queen getting what amounts to public defender assistance for the wealthy lawmakers, free ride for criminal defense. It would of been better that prosecutors didn't waste taxpayer money and said we can't ethically prosecute because Loophole Scotty could exploit public funds. All the products are , and the the price is competitive, and also can accept the p a y p a l payment.,after the payment, can ship within short time. cheap Air Jordan 6
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