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I've made an appeal, in the form of PIL, for the welfare of the students, in front of the Gujarat High Court. I need some suggestions or the comments regarding the same & would like to hear from the students regarding their examinations, and issues mentioned in the PIL.
Public Interest Litigation
Kunjan Vaishnav,
Academic Background:
University: GTU (Gujarat Technological University);
Course: Diploma in Information Technology (IT),
College: B.S. Patel Polytechnic (644), Ganpat Vidyangar(Kherva, Mehsana).
Contact Information:
Address: 4, Chaudhari Appt; Nr. Patel Wadi, Paldi gam, Paldi, Ahmedabad-380007.
Mobile Number: +91-7874 8090 21
1. Gujarat State Legal Service Auth. Ahmedabad
Respected and honourable Project Officer (Legal Aid)
G.S.L.S.A., High Court of Gujarat, Ahmedabad.
2. Secretary High Court Legal Services Committee 3rd, floor,
Administrative Building, High Court Complex, Sola, Ahmedabad
Subject: P.I.L, under Article 226(Constitution of India), an appeal, for the welfare of the students in G.S.E.B, G.T.U. and other educational boards.
Respected and Honourable Officers,
Me, Kunjan Vaishnav, being the student would like to file an appeal in the form of PIL (Public interest litigation), for the welfare of the students of any board of Gujarat, especially G.T.U. (Gujarat Technological University).
The students are asked to pay the fees for the examinations by different boards. The amount once paid is not refundable. But, once the results are out and the student come to know that the student is failing in certain subjects. At that time, for the rechecking or the re-assessment, that student is asked to pay the separate fees for the administrative processes.
So, my appeal is to refund the amount that is charged for the re-checking or the re-assessment, if there is any correction in the marks/grades or the result. The mistake is done by the committee or the paper checkers, so, they are liable to pay the due, not the students.
The question is why the student should repay if the mistake is done from the administrative side? This is the kind of an injustice that makes the students to lose the hope from the curriculum and the method of the education in Gujarat.
Moreover, in G.T.U. course of Diploma, for the 5th and 6th Semester students, there is Re-Assessment for only 2 subjects. Instead, there has to be some functionality in which, the students can perform re-check or the re=assessment for desired number of subjects.
Hence, I would like to present to you some of the issues and suggestions that should be followed by the Education administrative departments and educational boards under Gujarat Government:
Issue 1 : The students should be refunded the amount of re-
checking/re-assessment, if there is a change in the marks
of the grades.
Issue 2 : It should be allowed to the students to apply for re-
checking or the re-assessment for desired subjects and in
all the semester.
Issue 3 : The students are not received any confirmation or any
acknowledgement of the Answer-books being rechecked or
re-assessed. There should be a mechanism through which
student can determine the re-check or the re-assessment of
the answer-books.
Issue 4 : The re-checking or the re-assessment must be performed
with the notice and in the presence of the student.
Issue 5 : There should be a pre-defined format of the answers for
each and every examinations. The marking done by the
examiner depends on psychology of the examiner, which
should not be the case. The answer written by the student
is same, but the interpretations are different so as the
If there is a pre-defined structure for every answer
for all the questions, then there will be no such
issue for the student saying that the answer written
is correct, but the examiner has given grades not
according to the answer.
All the issues can be resolved by inculcating proper methods of education and recruitment of more number of teachers and examiners. It is the question of the future of the state, and the career of the student, for which the education department is struggling.
I am thankful to you for your kind support and precious time, and for all the justices made by the committee up till now.
Yours Faithfully,
Thanking you,
(Citizen of Gujarat, India),
(Kunjan D. Vaishnav.)
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