Sujata Parashar

1.Your journey as an author...

I’ve come a long way since the time my first novel (In Pursuit of Infidelity, Rupa & Co. 2009) was published. I’m quite convinced that I’ve evolved as a writer and yet, even after all these years it still feels like my literary journey has just started. To tell you frankly, I’ve not only become more confident and aware of my strengths but also my shortcomings as a writer. There’s so much more to learn and improve on. In fact, I feel fortunate to be where I am today.

My first book happened by chance. I wasn’t really aware what I was getting into but I guess, it was my destiny. The book went on to do extremely well and soon I found myself in the ‘showcase of recognized writers’ of the country.  In hindsight, I feel that it was that (external and internal) pressure to keep up to my image as a successful debut author which compelled me to publish my second book in little over than a year (In Pursuit of Ecstasy, Rupa & Co. 2011).

Although the book did not do as well as the first one, it was critically appreciated by many reviewers and was selected by a research scholar from Chennai for her research on Indian adolescent girls and their attitude and behavior towards their parents and society in general. The knowledge that it was useful to someone was gratifying. However, my journey till the first two books was undertaken without really being aware about it. It was while writing my third book that I began to not only appreciate the finer nuances of writing but also decided to seriously focus on improving mine.

2.What do you think about the newly emerged genre "Micro-fiction"?

 In this digital era, I think Micro – fiction is a great way to engage with the readers; especially considering the short attention span of adults and children today. I’ve myself experimented with the format and have written a couple of flash – fictions. As a writer, I quite enjoy these variations as they help me sharpen my writing skills. In fact, one of my flash – fictions, titled, ‘Suvasini’ has been published in an Indo – Australian anthology of short - stories. However, a story can come in any shape or size but in the end, all that really matters is whether it could elicit desired response from the readers or not.  

3.What are your views about Indian publishing industry? 

Indian Publishing Industry is one of the largest book markets in the world and with a steady focus of the government to increase the literacy rate in the country the industry will (hopefully) get the necessary boost it desperately needs.

In recent times the demand for fiction (& non - fiction) has markedly increased according to the Neilsen India Book Market Report 2015, with the Indian youth taking to reading books like never before; thanks to CB, Amish, Ashwin and others.

However, it is a complex industry and also quite fragmented. There is a lot of ambiguity and disorder in how it functions. Marketing and distribution of books is a great struggle for most of the publishers except the few biggies (including the foreign publishers) who have the necessary resources, network and capital to push their books. Authors, especially first time writers, feel they get a raw deal as the royalty is extremely low and often there’s lack of transparency on part of the publishers. Since most writers don’t even know their rights, they are unable to negotiate the terms of their contract with their publishers.

The transition to the digital medium has benefitted publishers in a way, but has also added to the already prevalent chaotic situation. The debate about e – books vs print books continues. However, most publishers agree that even though e books are not popular in India at present, both forms will have to co – exist in the future. Also, due to the internet and more awareness, (including the option of publishing one’s own book on digi – platforms like amazon et al), bringing out a book for a writer has become easier than it used to be a decade ago. However, much needs to be done; including greater insights, establishing cohesive strategies among stakeholders, innovation and an overall good plan is required to streamline things.

4. Your views on Online readership... 

As I said above, the digital readership is on the rise in the country but it will still take a while for the Indian reader to fully appreciate the digital medium as well as for publishers to accept the fact that there’s no escape from it and thus it is better to accept the change, innovate and evolve. As for writers, we too will have to gradually make the transition to writing for online readers.  We will eventually have to make changes in our style of writing in order to suit the medium. It’s challenging and not many of us, (including me) are really happy to accept this change but the sooner we adapt ourselves to this new way people want to consume books; the better it will be for us.

5. Tell us about your books. 

I’ve written seven books so far. My debut novel, In Pursuit of Infidelity (2009) was about man – woman relationship outside the institution of marriage. Written from a modern woman’s perspective, the focus was on the emotional impact of the misdemeanor on the perpetrator as well as the victim, who in this case happens to be the same person. It went on to become a bestseller.  The second in the series, In Pursuit of Ecstasy (2011) was a story about Parent – Youth relationship and was long listed for the Economist Crossword Book Award 2012. My latest novel in the ‘pursuit’ series, In Pursuit of a Lesser Offence (2014) deals with changing face of marriage and relationships. I also write poetry and have three poetry books to my credit under the Poetry Out and Loud series. However, my latest book is a collection of short - stories, titled, That Woman You See (2015). The book with nine female - centric stories has a common thread running through it; the need of each of these women to express their unconventional views on issues related to them without being apologetic or guilty about it. My first poetry book and my first short story titled, ‘Wake me only when the Sun is high,’ were appreciated and awarded. I’m currently working on my fourth novel – a political thriller.

Apart from these, I contribute to literature as a planning board member of two prestigious literary festivals, The Kumaon Literary Festival (KLF) and Delhi Poetry Festival (DPF). And also leading one of the unique initiatives of KLF to promote nature conservation through literature called Fellows of Nature (or FON).

6. A message for the writers’ community...

Keep writing. Keep inspiring. And keep smiling!

Sujata Parashar's message for : I would like to thank the  team for giving me this opportunity to talk about some important and relevant aspects of writing and publishing a book. My best wishes to the team!


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Comment by Lee Robbins on September 20, 2016 at 11:07pm
An insightful and interesting interview.

Blog Posts


Posted by Hemshila maheshwari on March 10, 2024 at 5:19pm 0 Comments

होती है आज के युग मे भी परिक्षा !

अग्नि ना सही

अंदेशे कर देते है आज की सीता को भस्मीभूत !

रिश्तों की प्रत्यंचा पर सदा संधान लिए रहेता है वह तीर जो स्त्री को उसकी मुस्कुराहट, चूलबलेपन ओर सबसे हिलमिल रहेने की काबिलियत पर गडा जाता है सीने मे !

परीक्षा महज एक निमित थी

सीता की घर वापसी की !

धरती की गोद सदैव तत्पर थी सीताके दुलार करने को!

अब की कुछ सीता तरसती है माँ की गोद !

मायके की अपनी ख्वाहिशो पर खरी उतरते भूल जाती है, देर-सवेर उस… Continue


Posted by Hemshila maheshwari on March 10, 2024 at 5:18pm 0 Comments

इसी बहाने मेरे आसपास रहने लगे मैं चाहता हूं कि तू भी उदास रहने लगे

कभी कभी की उदासी भली लगी ऐसी कि हम दीवाने मुसलसल उदास रहने लगे

अज़ीम लोग थे टूटे तो इक वक़ार के साथ किसी से कुछ न कहा बस उदास रहने लगे

तुझे हमारा तबस्सुम उदास करता था तेरी ख़ुशी के लिए हम उदास रहने लगे

उदासी एक इबादत है इश्क़ मज़हब की वो कामयाब हुए जो उदास रहने लगे

Evergreen love

Posted by Hemshila maheshwari on September 12, 2023 at 10:31am 0 Comments

*પ્રેમમય આકાંક્ષા*

અધૂરા રહી ગયેલા અરમાન

આજે પણ

આંટાફેરા મારતા હોય છે ,

જાડા ચશ્મા ને પાકેલા મોતિયાના

ભેજ વચ્ચે....

યથાવત હોય છે

જીવનનો લલચામણો સ્વાદ ,

બોખા દાંત ને લપલપતી

જીભ વચ્ચે

વીતી ગયો જે સમય

આવશે જરુર પાછો.

આશ્વાસનના વળાંકે

મીટ માંડી રાખે છે,

ઉંમરલાયક નાદાન મન

વળેલી કેડ ને કપાળે સળ


વધે ઘટે છે હૈયાની ધડક

એના આવવાના અણસારે.....

આંગણે અવસરનો માહોલ રચી

મૌન… Continue

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी कि मिसाल बनो

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on July 31, 2021 at 10:01am 0 Comments

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी कि मिसाल बनो

झूठ का साथी नहीं सच का सवाल बनो

यूँ तो जलती है माचिस कि तीलियाँ भी

बात तो तब है जब धहकती मशाल बनो

रोक लो तूफानों को यूँ बांहो में भींचकर

जला दो गम का लम्हा दिलों से खींचकर

कदम दर कदम और भी ऊँची उड़ान भरो

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी कि मिसाल बनो

झूठ का साथी नहीं सच का सवाल बनो

यूँ तो अक्सर बातें तुझ पर बनती रहेंगी

तोहमते तो फूल बनकर बरसा ही करेंगी

एक एक तंज पिरोकर जीत का हार करो

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी… Continue

No more pink

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on July 6, 2021 at 12:15pm 1 Comment

नो मोर पिंक

क्या रंग किसी का व्यक्तित्व परिभाषित कर सकता है नीला है तो लड़का गुलाबी है तो लड़की का रंग सुनने में कुछ अलग सा लगता है हमारे कानो को लड़कियों के सम्बोधन में अक्सर सुनने की आदत है.लम्बे बालों वाली लड़की साड़ी वाली लड़की तीख़े नयन वाली लड़की कोमल सी लड़की गोरी इत्यादि इत्यादि

कियों जन्म के बाद जब जीवन एक कोरे कागज़ की तरह होता हो चाहे बालक हो बालिका हो उनको खिलौनो तक में श्रेणी में बाँट दिया जता है लड़का है तो कार से गन से खेलेगा लड़की है तो गुड़िया ला दो बड़ी हुई तो डांस सिखा दो जैसे… Continue

यूँ ही मिल जाती जिंदगी तो क्या बात थी

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on June 25, 2021 at 10:04pm 0 Comments

यूँ ही मिल जाती जिंदगी तो क्या बात थी
मुश्किलों ने तुझे पाने के काबिल बना दिया
न रुलाती तू मुझे अगर दर्द मे डुबो डुबो कर
फिर खुशियों की मेरे आगे क्या औकात थी
तूने थपकियों से नहीं थपेड़ो से सहलाया है
खींचकर आसमान मुझे ज़मीन से मिलाया है
मेरी चादर से लम्बे तूने मुझे पैर तो दें डाले
चादर को पैरों तक पहुंचाया ये बड़ी बात की
यूँ ही मिल जाती जिंदगी तो क्या बात थी
मुश्किलों ने तुझे पाने के काबिल बना दिया
Pooja yadav shawak

Let me kiss you !

Posted by Jasmine Singh on April 17, 2021 at 2:07am 0 Comments

वो जो हँसते हुए दिखते है न लोग अक्सर वो कुछ तन्हा से होते है पराये अहसासों को लफ़्ज देतें है खुद के दर्द पर खामोश रहते है जो पोछतें दूसरे के आँसू अक्सर खुद अँधेरे में तकिये को भिगोते है वो जो हँसते…

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on March 24, 2021 at 1:54pm 1 Comment

वो जो हँसते हुए दिखते है न लोग
अक्सर वो कुछ तन्हा से होते है
पराये अहसासों को लफ़्ज देतें है
खुद के दर्द पर खामोश रहते है
जो पोछतें दूसरे के आँसू अक्सर
खुद अँधेरे में तकिये को भिगोते है
वो जो हँसते हुए दिखते है लोग
अक्सर वो कुछ तन्हा से होते है

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