Mahendra Jakhar

Name: Mahendra Jakhar

Birth Date: 15 September, 1974

Academics: B.A, English Literature (Hons.), Kiriri Mal College, Delhi University, PGD is Mass Communications from Centre for Mass Media, New Delhi

Hobbies: Reading, Photography, trekking in Himalayas, going on long walks in forests and National Parks, running.


1. Your journey as an author... 

Well, my journey as an author has been fascinating. I have been a crime reporter and crime thrillers come naturally to me. I have also written many episodes for the TV show CID that served as a school for crime writing. Especially crime writing is an art that combines craft along with keeping the story thrilling and interesting. Also, I write crime fiction not just for thrills and entertainment it provides me a platform to try and understand what is going on in our society, what is wrong with our society that in spite of all the development, education, stringent laws and all the crime rate continues to spiral upwards. So in my own way I try to understand it, look for solutions if there are any and see where we as a society are heading.

Let me tell you, I was writing a film script with the same title THE BUTCHER OF BENARES (my first novel) and approached a lot of film directors and producers but none showed any interest. There are still not many murder mysteries being made in Bollywood. So I had this title and then I started writing the book. The story changed totally from what I had in the film script. And I am a big History lover so yes somewhere I have put history into the book. The history that becomes a part of the book also is something that’s unknown to the common man. It’s not taught in schools and colleges so I turned it into a thriller with historical undertones.

2. What motivates you to write and just keep writing?

I believe what Rumi said, “Everyone has a gift hidden inside us. This life is all about first discovering the gift and then sharing it.” If I look back, my whole life was about discovering the gift hidden inside me and then I found it – writing. So now I am out to share it with many people as I can through my books, TV shows and feature films.

I was an avid reader from my school days and I never thought that I too could ever write a book that will be read by thousands. Still, that desire was certainly there. So when I started writing film scripts and TV shows, I realized that there were stories that might never get made into a film but can be told through a book. So I used this as a medium to tell more stories.

The motivation is not money, fame and recognition. In fact there is no motivation as there seems to be a plethora of stories hidden inside me that I’m dying to write more and more and no external motivation is needed.

 3. For a writer, how important it is to be a good reader? 

Reading for me is like a gym for the writer. Most people go to gym to get a toned body and look good in a similar way if you want to improve your writing and have a head full of ideas, reading becomes essential. Right from my school days I’m almost addicted to reading. There have been times that I have spent money on books rather than paying electricity and phone bills. Nowadays I make sure that I read at least 50-100 pages everyday and read diverse books that kep my brain cells working and brimming with stories.

4. What are your views on online readership?

The digitalization has only helped an author to reach out to more readers and get the book available all across the world in other forms, be it an e-book or kindle versions. Right now the online readership is minimal but soon it will grow as the new generation who are still is school and colleges will be using the hi-tech devices to read. While there are many who prefer the paperback and both will survive.

5. Tell us about your book/s. 

My first book THE BUTCHER OF BENARES is a heady combination of history, mystery, mythology and thrills. It’s a murder mystery that combines the mysticism of Benares, the mysteries of Vedic astrology and astronomy, the varied religious sects, the history of Benares, the royal family, the many historic sites and temples and how it all connects to the 1857 Revolt. With these ingredients The Butcher of Benares stands out in the crowd. A whole lot of foreign travellers are picking up the book from airport and superb five star reviews have been pouring in from all over.

It was well thought of, researched and planned. We have many books on mythology and crime fiction but none that brings them together in a contemporary setting. So the very setting of Benares, the land of Gods and mysticism bring it all together. Some of the critics have compared me to Dan Brown but I take it as a compliment that I could stand up to that level in my first book.

I took three trips to Benares and stayed there for a week each time. I met with Sadhus, Aghoris, Naga sadhus and spent a lot of time roaming on the Ghats and talking to pundits and touts. It was there I found some interesting characters. I also met with a senior astrology scholar who enlightened me with Vedic astrology and its connection to astronomy. I had to read a lot of background on the royal family of Benares and make sure that I don’t hurt their sentiments and still can turn my book into a thriller that I aspire.

The book THE BUTCHER OF BENARES entertains and educates. At time it kicks you in the gut and jolts you to think about the crimes happening in the society. It grabs you and takes you on a journey through the lanes of Benares and into its dark secrets, its history and the murderer. One thing is sure you’ll love it and won’t be able to sleep till you finish it.

My next book again a thriller will be releasing by the end of 2016 published by Westland Publications.

6. A message for the reader's community... 

There are no books without readers and there are no readers without books. So an author and the reader both become important in story-telling. Today, like many corporate giants the publishers also engage in research trying to find out what the reader wants and they dish out the same romance and mythology. A large number of readers also read what is familiar to them so most people are still reading mythology and romantic stories. It’s only a few who want to try books that are totally out of the box. The readers need to widen their arena of reading and the authors too need to widen their arena of imagination and storytelling. Maybe then we will be producing world class books. 

[ Mahendra Jakhar is author of "The Butcher of Benares" ] 


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Posted by Hemshila maheshwari on March 10, 2024 at 5:19pm 0 Comments

होती है आज के युग मे भी परिक्षा !

अग्नि ना सही

अंदेशे कर देते है आज की सीता को भस्मीभूत !

रिश्तों की प्रत्यंचा पर सदा संधान लिए रहेता है वह तीर जो स्त्री को उसकी मुस्कुराहट, चूलबलेपन ओर सबसे हिलमिल रहेने की काबिलियत पर गडा जाता है सीने मे !

परीक्षा महज एक निमित थी

सीता की घर वापसी की !

धरती की गोद सदैव तत्पर थी सीताके दुलार करने को!

अब की कुछ सीता तरसती है माँ की गोद !

मायके की अपनी ख्वाहिशो पर खरी उतरते भूल जाती है, देर-सवेर उस… Continue


Posted by Hemshila maheshwari on March 10, 2024 at 5:18pm 0 Comments

इसी बहाने मेरे आसपास रहने लगे मैं चाहता हूं कि तू भी उदास रहने लगे

कभी कभी की उदासी भली लगी ऐसी कि हम दीवाने मुसलसल उदास रहने लगे

अज़ीम लोग थे टूटे तो इक वक़ार के साथ किसी से कुछ न कहा बस उदास रहने लगे

तुझे हमारा तबस्सुम उदास करता था तेरी ख़ुशी के लिए हम उदास रहने लगे

उदासी एक इबादत है इश्क़ मज़हब की वो कामयाब हुए जो उदास रहने लगे

Evergreen love

Posted by Hemshila maheshwari on September 12, 2023 at 10:31am 0 Comments

*પ્રેમમય આકાંક્ષા*

અધૂરા રહી ગયેલા અરમાન

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યથાવત હોય છે

જીવનનો લલચામણો સ્વાદ ,

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વીતી ગયો જે સમય

આવશે જરુર પાછો.

આશ્વાસનના વળાંકે

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ઉંમરલાયક નાદાન મન

વળેલી કેડ ને કપાળે સળ


વધે ઘટે છે હૈયાની ધડક

એના આવવાના અણસારે.....

આંગણે અવસરનો માહોલ રચી

મૌન… Continue

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी कि मिसाल बनो

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on July 31, 2021 at 10:01am 0 Comments

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी कि मिसाल बनो

झूठ का साथी नहीं सच का सवाल बनो

यूँ तो जलती है माचिस कि तीलियाँ भी

बात तो तब है जब धहकती मशाल बनो

रोक लो तूफानों को यूँ बांहो में भींचकर

जला दो गम का लम्हा दिलों से खींचकर

कदम दर कदम और भी ऊँची उड़ान भरो

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी कि मिसाल बनो

झूठ का साथी नहीं सच का सवाल बनो

यूँ तो अक्सर बातें तुझ पर बनती रहेंगी

तोहमते तो फूल बनकर बरसा ही करेंगी

एक एक तंज पिरोकर जीत का हार करो

जिन्दा हों तो जिंदगी… Continue

No more pink

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on July 6, 2021 at 12:15pm 1 Comment

नो मोर पिंक

क्या रंग किसी का व्यक्तित्व परिभाषित कर सकता है नीला है तो लड़का गुलाबी है तो लड़की का रंग सुनने में कुछ अलग सा लगता है हमारे कानो को लड़कियों के सम्बोधन में अक्सर सुनने की आदत है.लम्बे बालों वाली लड़की साड़ी वाली लड़की तीख़े नयन वाली लड़की कोमल सी लड़की गोरी इत्यादि इत्यादि

कियों जन्म के बाद जब जीवन एक कोरे कागज़ की तरह होता हो चाहे बालक हो बालिका हो उनको खिलौनो तक में श्रेणी में बाँट दिया जता है लड़का है तो कार से गन से खेलेगा लड़की है तो गुड़िया ला दो बड़ी हुई तो डांस सिखा दो जैसे… Continue

यूँ ही मिल जाती जिंदगी तो क्या बात थी

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on June 25, 2021 at 10:04pm 0 Comments

यूँ ही मिल जाती जिंदगी तो क्या बात थी
मुश्किलों ने तुझे पाने के काबिल बना दिया
न रुलाती तू मुझे अगर दर्द मे डुबो डुबो कर
फिर खुशियों की मेरे आगे क्या औकात थी
तूने थपकियों से नहीं थपेड़ो से सहलाया है
खींचकर आसमान मुझे ज़मीन से मिलाया है
मेरी चादर से लम्बे तूने मुझे पैर तो दें डाले
चादर को पैरों तक पहुंचाया ये बड़ी बात की
यूँ ही मिल जाती जिंदगी तो क्या बात थी
मुश्किलों ने तुझे पाने के काबिल बना दिया
Pooja yadav shawak

Let me kiss you !

Posted by Jasmine Singh on April 17, 2021 at 2:07am 0 Comments

वो जो हँसते हुए दिखते है न लोग अक्सर वो कुछ तन्हा से होते है पराये अहसासों को लफ़्ज देतें है खुद के दर्द पर खामोश रहते है जो पोछतें दूसरे के आँसू अक्सर खुद अँधेरे में तकिये को भिगोते है वो जो हँसते…

Posted by Pooja Yadav shawak on March 24, 2021 at 1:54pm 1 Comment

वो जो हँसते हुए दिखते है न लोग
अक्सर वो कुछ तन्हा से होते है
पराये अहसासों को लफ़्ज देतें है
खुद के दर्द पर खामोश रहते है
जो पोछतें दूसरे के आँसू अक्सर
खुद अँधेरे में तकिये को भिगोते है
वो जो हँसते हुए दिखते है लोग
अक्सर वो कुछ तन्हा से होते है

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